Need New Windows? Think Energy Efficiency!

by Martha Gail Moore Windows in our homes are our all-important look into nature or at least outside. But those glass panes could be a big reason your energy bills are so high. About 45% of energy used in homes is for heating and cooling, according to the U.S. Green...

How to Conserve Energy and Save Money

by Martha Gail Moore We’re more than halfway through this summer, and for much of the U.S. it has not been a particularly hot one, except in the West. But even if your neck of the woods hasn’t been as hot as previous summers, you can still conserve energy and save...

Are Your Ready for the Next Arctic Blast?

by Martha Gail-Moore Weather forecasters have made predictions that the mercury will be plunging again soon. But frostbite within 10 minutes of being outdoors probably won’t happen again for quite a while. Just about every state in the United States was affected...

Common Misconceptions About Home Energy Efficiency

Are you interested in energy efficiency in your home? You should be. Pennies add up really quickly and you could be spending hundreds of dollars too much every month to keep your home cool or heated. The problem is that many people have misconceptions about home...

Guest Blog Posts

“Guest Blog Posts Accepted” Metro Energy Savers accepts guest blog posts that are in keeping with the overall theme of our blog.  If you are interested in submitting an article for publication please contact us by commenting to this post and we will get in...

Save Energy with Your Light Bulbs

A Simple Wayto Save Energy (and Money!) Incandescent vs Compact Fluorescent vs Light Emitting Diodes There has been much talk on the subject of which light bulbs you should use in the home and how this can impact on energy savings.  The subject centers on the use of...

Energy Savings this Winter

  Energy Saving can be Big Money Saving! With winter just around the corner many of us are dreading the inevitable increase in our home energy bills.  Every year it’s the same thing; we turn on the heater and our electric bills soar through the overhead.  In...

Surviving the Dog Days of Summer

  How to Beat the Summer Heat Welcome to the dog days of summer – a term that dates back to the ancient Romans who associated hot weather with the appearance of Sirius (the “dog star”) in the morning sky just before sunrise. Over the next couple of months,...

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke – Know the Signs

Identifying & Treating Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are serious risks, and with summer in full swing you should know the warning signs and treatments in order to protect yourself and your family. According to the CDC, exposure to...