We hear a lot about the environmental impact of greenhouse gases created by our cars, but did you know that our homes generate more than twice as much carbon dioxide as the average automobile?

Americans spend an estimated $241 billion each year to heat, cool and power their homes – an average of about $2,100 per household.

While most people are concerned about the emissions created by their vehicles, they typically give little thought to the amount of pollution created by their homes.  While the average vehicle creates about 10,000 lbs. or CO2 per year, the average home generates about 22,000 lbs. of the gas.

There’s a wide variety of energy efficient products on the market to help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint, lower their utility costs and improve the overall comfort of their homes.

Do you know, for instance, that horizontal-axis clothes washers are better at removing stains, and can help you reduce your water bills?  Installing a programmable thermostat can reduce your monthly energy usage and cut your utility costs by about $180 per year. Compact florescent light bulbs use less energy, and last longer than conventional, incandescent bulbs.  Replacing your old heating and air conditioning unit with a new energy efficient system can save you hundreds of dollars each year, and can provide you with a tax cut of up to $500.  Read more.

Do you have other ideas on how to reduce your home’s carbon footprint, and lower your monthly energy bills?  Please share them with us by posting a comment.